
This week's image competition

The photo was posted in a photo album by "kumiko" on the site Picasso Web Albums.

It's the weekly competition for Christian reflection on an image.

Entries need to be written up in less than three sentences and they need to be about the Christian life in some way.

Winners can display this badge on their site.
Our last winner was Jody Radical Evangelical.

It is hoped that the ideas will be used to develop part of a scheme of creative prayer station ministry resources.


Tim Goodbody said...

The beauty and perfume of a rose is a picture of the joy of relationship with Jesus, but to enter into this relationship - to turn the flower towards us, may involve pain.
Sometimes it is painful for us, as we face up to our own sins, in approaching Christ; the thorns on the rose's stem are a picture of these, yet as we grasp them the rose's beauty makes our sacrifice worthwhile.

It's a bit Pelagian, but there you go

wim said...

Thorns or flowers, briars or blooms, Good Friday or Easter morning?
Life is both a struggle through the brambles and an appreciation of beautiful flowering new life.
The green blade rises and is a rose e'er blooming!

Jane said...

Sorry I realised I posted my comment not as myself but c'est la vie!


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A little background reading so we might mutually flourish when there are different opinions