This blog is called Revising Reform because God called me to ordained ministry within the Anglican church as I was revising and reforming my thinking on a range of theological integrities.

My calling occurred in that time of transition towards the consecration of women. I studied for a more comprehensive understanding of the atonement, how Anglicans engage with Scripture and what it really means to be a follower of Christ. I also journeyed experientially and academically as I came to understand that engaging with the third person of the Trinity is a normative part of discipleship.

At St John's theological college I was introduced to a balance of scholarship on particular theological integrities, and importantly, in the context of my own calling, one integrity that reads the scriptures as supporting women leading and preaching in God's church.

What this blog aims to do  

This blog has accompanied me in the journey from my first sensing the call of God on my life to full-time ministry as vicar of a Church of England Parish. I try to balance the practical out-workings of full-time public ministry with reading, theological thinking and scholarship, and also with raising a young family.

What all this means for me?

I live in the tension and the ambivalence of this church as it wrestles like I do, sure and yet tentative, certain in Christ but humble in everything else, as it seeks to understand God's will for his people. As an ordained person in a very wide and generous church, faith is very simply about the centrality of the scriptures attesting to the life and work of Jesus Christ, a life into which we are invited through the power of the Holy Spirit. Its outworking is for the transformation of the nation through the local church.

...your place here

You will never find great expanses of my life on view here.  But this is my corner. I read, I think, I write and then I hope someone somewhere might say..."I have an opinion on that"...and then if they share it with me either here or over on facebook, I have an opportunity to grow. You can't really have these conversations on the tube or in the shopping queue, so I have them here.

For me, so far, life in the Church of England has felt like swimming in a sea of of ill-defined limits, sometimes I feel out of breath and so I look for a place to dock. There are a few shore-lines and when I reach them I realise that the swimming was worth it. In docking for a while, I sense again the rock beneath my feet. By conviction, I keep swimming.


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A little background reading so we might mutually flourish when there are different opinions