Holmes S The Wondrous Cross. Atonement and Penal Substitution in the Bible and History, London, Paternoster, 2007
Jeffrey, S., Ovey, M., & Sachs, A., eds., Pierced for our Transgressions: rediscovering the glory of penal substitution, Nottingham: Intervarsity, 2007
Barrow, S., & Bartley J eds., Consuming Passion: Why the Killing of Jesus Really Matters, London, DLT, 2005
Hilborn D.,Thacker J., Tidball D., eds., The Atonement Debate: Papers from the London Symposium on the Theology of Atonement, Michigan, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008
Mann, A., Atonement for a Sinless Society, Carlisle:Paternoster, 2005
Terry, J., The Justifying Judgement of God: A reassessment of the Place of Judgement in the Saving Work of Christ, Nottingham, Paternoster, 2007
N T Wright on PFOT Fulcrum
Recommended by Bishop Alan - thank you:J. Denny Weaver The Nonviolent Atonement (Eerdmans 2001)
I'll send off to Amazon for 'The Nonviolent Atonement' and also J. Goldingay's Atonement Today: A Symposium at St. John's College, Nottingham, London: SPCK, 1995
In the light of the question:
'To what extent can a coherent defense be made of penal substitution in the face of contemporary criticism?'
is there any other reading, you learned people out there can recommend?
It's an old work, but still essential reading : Christus Victor. Gustav Aulen. If you read no other book on the atonement, read this one.
Thank you Anon
Finding the ideas taught under this heading at college particularly enlightening.
The Cross of Christ by John Stott and 'What did the Cross Acheive? The logic of Penal Substitution' by J.I. Packer would both be helpful and particularly relevant to your question. Stott (as well as the Ovey volume) also argues (I think very convincingly!) that Christus Victor relies on penal substitution as its foundations. If the guilt for sin isn't removed, and God's loving wrath and justice satisfied, then the devil still has something to accuse us of!
Hope that's some help,
Stott 'The Cross of Christ' is very good and sane
How about: Aspects of the Atonement. By I. Howard Marshall
Also see this: www.eauk.org/theology/key_papers/Atonement/upload/ihowardmarshall.pdf
Thanks all - great - funnily enough found the Howard Marshall download just this afternoon but comforting to have it recommended by you.
John Stott on its way - I find him a bit easier to digest than many other theologians so I might start here.
Really appreciate the help.
Rachel, one other thing. I did a whole semester course of Atonement in my fourth year at Moore Theological College. I'd be happy to send the reading list if you like. Just drop me an email.
Thanks David, if you can recommend any online resources from Moore - even better. My book pile is already 18 books high. But I'd be interested to see the list, anyway.
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