

...subordination in the trinity
...the feminisation of the church
...homosexual bishops
...penal substitutionary atonement
...male headship

...nope, nothing to say on the above

Controversial IS...
Jesus not giving two hoots for the religious elite, thank God
Jesus eating and drinking and loving to party
Jesus hanging out with the down-and-outs
Jesus not showing us how we get to heaven but how we might get caught up in bringing God's Kingdom to earth

controversy is....


Curate Karen said...

Amen to that, sister!

Anonymous said...

"Jesus not showing us how we get to heaven but how we might get caught up in bringing God's Kingdom to earth"

That is so good and right!

Rev R Marszalek said...

Indeed anon!


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A little background reading so we might mutually flourish when there are different opinions