Moot and the Mootique
Here you can find out about Ian Mobsby and here about Moot.
You can buy his book here
I am going to buy this one
The book above might help me to bring a little more silence to college when it is my turn to lead. I am still struggling with 'college prayer wordiness' - do we leave enough space for God to answer and come by His Spirit so that we feel his presence in manifest ways? I am not sure that we do but I am also sure that we are a learning community and under the influence of our new dean Nick Ladd, there is much to hope for. I am also aware. of course, that as a theological college, they have to be in the business of teaching us ordinands the words so it's about my patience too.
Anyway, to the point, Ian Mobsby came to talk to us today, well, those of us who wanted to find out about pioneer ministry. St John's doesn't run a separate pioneering course as such, but bucks the trend, expecting us to be pioneering from within, expecting us to work out how we are going to be fresh as we progress through our training.
A lot of what he said struck a cord with me and his work sounds exciting. I like what he said about what Church needs to become to engage with a post-secular, consumerist, spiritually seeking society and his vision for what sorts of priests we need to be.
Seeking Jesus within contemporary culture – requires apostolic and pioneering forms of leadership – need people to be missional. And yet Anglican priests are often authoritative and yet these people need to be loving and committed to mission. It's about praxis, it is now about shared leadership teams.
Need to give power away and be deeply relational. Need to be radical but work within a team. We need to make ourselves dispensable.
Integrity is vital. Need to practice radical vulnerability!!!
Need to have accountability structures.
General skills
Artistic and creative
emotionally and culturally intelligent
multi-tasker and deals with complexity
well-rounded in the traditions – you cannot critique the communion service unless you understand what it is – this is where you need to understand what you can be creative with
All of the above makes for a skilled pastor
I liked his emphasis on vulnerability which is what I feel blogging, in part, is all about. I like his emphasis on ministry teams.
I wonder whether it is the case that women have an advantage over men in reaching a post-modern culture because they are presenting something fresh and alternative just by being women in the world of Church where the great majority of people imagine 'vicar' and imagine 'man'. We are radical already. We present something which is more about our age and less about traditional associations people make with Church and 'authority'. I also wonder if it is more natural for us to give away power than hold onto it but then I never was one to make gender assumptions. However, since because from the beginning we have found that culture has forced us to give power away, even when we do not want to, I wonder whether we have it inbuilt...just some thoughts.
I am glad to be a woman becoming a priest, there is something exciting about that!
As someone also who works with Open source software (ubuntu Linux), this metaphor Ian used appealed to me.
‘[Our] church is like an open source
computer platform of the gospel rather
than a Microsoft product. We take the
source code as the gospel but around
that code, everyone has a particular
part to play, equally in making this
‘kingdom-system’ work... Everyone
contributes...offering their gifts, and
every time a new person comes into the
community the DNA changes, it never
stays the same, it’s not static, it’s not
issued in a box version 2.0’
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Slideshare revisingreform
Slideshare snazzy
Thanks for this post about Moot - quite alot of folk are doing some thinking about open source ideas around church, ecumenism, mission and ecclesiolog.
I also agree with you about blogging and vulnerability.
All very interesting and thought provoking. Tahnskf ro posting about this - and much else besides!
Take care
Thanks Jane
What Ian had to say was very interesting and is probably what I have often thought but to hear it put together with research to back it up was really encouraging. I am very conscious of this post-secular search for spirituality which is why within Christianity we must not be shy about a passionate inclusion of the Holy Spirit and the manifestations of an experiential relationship with the triune God.
Thanks for dropping by.
On the weekend I was able to share some of my experiences with my two sister in laws who were more than ready to hear about an experiential relationship with God, which I am aware they are more open to than my explanations of doctrine or the books of the Bible. There is much to hope for though. It all needs underpinning with scripture. It's just that I am conscious that I know from where to begin my story of His story.
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