
Jade Goody becomes a Christian today

As I said the Daily Office this morning, I thought about how it was quite weird that all my prayers for the things that I usually pray for were overtaken by thoughts of Jade Goody. I don't really watch much TV so I have only really caught her story through a few radio 4 insights and faith blogs. Anyway I just found out that she has become a Christian today from twitter and Damien's holy smoke link, so there must actually have been a lot of people praying for Jade today. She is attaining more dignity as she leaves this world. She's very brave.


Tim Goodbody said...

Hi Rachel,
I have many moments like that in prayer; I once ended up praying for Donald Duck, my train of thought was so badly derailed. Then I was given a booklet called "the positive role of distraction in prayer", and felt most liberated.
I admire your optimism when it comes to Jade; I fear we shall never know what really went on in her heart today, but I guess (cynicism waning now) Christ does know and will act accordingly. For someone whose life has been very publicly lived recently perhaps it is fitting that this remain private.

Rev R Marszalek said...

That is so funny - you make me laugh out loud - I also shared this one with my daughters who thought it was great! Donald Duck, eh - can't top that one!



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