
It's 'Goggles off' I'm afraid, Rod Thomas

The Reform 2008 newsletter describes how

'This conference calls on the House of Bishops to recognize that pursuing the General Synod resolution on the preparation of legislation to allow the consecration of women bishops will permanently damage and narrow the Church of England. We urge the house to prevent this by presenting alternative proposals to the General Synod to preserve the ministry of those who maintain a Biblically orthodox position.'

Oh - oh!

Hopefully, Rod Thomas will be disappointed because it looks like rumours to re-establish PEVs were just that - rumours. The Bishop of Manchester, the Rt Rev Nigel McCulloch, reassures us that “Both the Women Bishops’ Legislative Drafting Group and the House of Bishops will continue to work consistently with the mandate given by Synod.” This was his reply to Rev Lee, of Oxford who wanted to know if they were going back on any part of the motion passed in the General Synod in July 2008.

'Stand firm!' you guys, I say!! Don't grant passports to bishops for flights to conservative diocesesl!

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