
Good Morning Thank you Anglican Down Under for pointing to my site in your blogroll

Another website down under is covering Lambeth events and has been designed to explore our changing communion. I suspect it is written from a conservative point of view but I haven't read all the posts yet, but, hey, that's okay - we're all blogging to learn from each other.

I'd also like to draw your attention this morning to 'Inclusive church' newsletter which is now available. One of their prayers captured me and is reproduced below:


Great God of all, who has created us all alike in your image and called us equally to your service: we ask that all who seek to serve you in the ministry of your church may be free to do so to the fullest extent of their calling. We pray for those who struggle to bring light and freedom into your church by prising open closed doors and shuttered minds, dismantling barriers and overturning old prejudices. Give them strength to continue their work with courage, tenacity and an unquenchable sense of purpose and justice. We pray for those who have been wounded on the way, asking you to restore their hope and dignity and continue to lead them in your service. Especially we pray for those who restrict the freedom of others through their own ignorance, fear, greed or arrogant certainty. Soften their hearts and widen their understanding, so that they may see that allowing others to play a full part in building your kingdom does not threaten or diminish their own contribution.

Hear our prayers, O God, which we make with all the women who have witnessed and worked for you through the ages, and in whose glorious tradition we stand, through your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.

All-loving God we thank you that all people are equal in your sight. In you our divisions become small, divisions of wealth, gender, sexuality, age, race, and ability. God look with mercy on those who dare deny the equality of your children, and lead them to see all people as our sisters and brothers. May our bishops use their authority with courage and gentleness, and may all your church use its influence wisely and for the flourishing of your Gospel.

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A little background reading so we might mutually flourish when there are different opinions