
Curate Caras

Anam cara is a Gaelic word for soul friend.

Curate caras - Curate friends (Address: https://www.facebook.com/groups/251896991573342/)

I have set up a facebook group for curates so that we can share our journeys with one another. This will be a great resource and accompany us for the four years in which we are shaped for the next leg of the journey. Please consider joining this group so that you might both offer your insights and receive support from those who traverse this landscape with you.

We might learn from one another across the different dioceses in which we work, all of which take a slightly different approach to our formation.

We will share ideas and just generally be there for one another over the years.

If Jesus lives in us, then we can be Jesus for one another, or at least remembering this, we will be guided to support one another, encourage one another and become a safe space for thinking aloud and sharing the pain and the joy.

See you there.

Tell your friends who are in training.



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A little background reading so we might mutually flourish when there are different opinions