
Alan Wilson defends social networking

Austen and Facebook
You can no more destroy your humanity by going on Facebook than you can catch swine flu from a bag of pork scratchings

The question: Do computers make us more human?

Do Social media make people more or less human? From a Christian point of view this is a bit of a silly question. Humanity is a gift that comes from bearing the image of God, and you can no more destroy your humanity by going on Facebook than you can catch swine flu from a bag of Pork Scratchings. People may sometimes act in ways that conflict with their calling to grow towards the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, but they don't need wi-fi to do that.

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Amongst much confusion in the comments which follow Alan's article, I posted this:

Well, Bishop Alan, for what it is worth I understand exactly what you are saying. I taught Austen as a teacher and whilst yes, you do not dwell on the sex and romance here, because it isn't about that, Austen indeed understood and portrayed a world of complex social ritual. Social rituals govern the social networking sites too. I am glad that you defend these new ways we converse. We can be salt and light anywhere and the gospel can be spread digitally. It is up to Christians to use the conversation tools we invent to His glory. I am a fan of things e-church and it is just great that through Facebook, twitter and blogging, Christians can be present on the web.
Rachel Marszalek at Re vis.e Re form

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