

This is a useful part of a paper provided by Peter Carrell, my ever-trusty guide, at 'Anglican Down Under', posted here at 'Hermeneutics and human dignity'.

The most general statements of Anglicanism tell us that the scriptures contain all things necessary to salvation ... Other statements of the scripture may be cast in poetic or mythic modes, may reflect early cosmologies. This means they may well have an authority in establishing some large theological concepts about God as Creator or judge, without claiming authority as modern scientific statements. Thus it is possible to have a doctrine of the authority of scripture, as expressive of the authority of God exercised through scripture, and still to be able to make distinctions. There is still a hermeneutic task – to determine the nature and reach of that derived authority of specific texts, in the context of the full revelation of God in Christ; and coming to a deliberation about this will require further hermeneutical methodologies.

It's all quite helpful for tomorrow. I am finding my Old Testament Histories and Law module fascinating and my lecturer's stories are edifying and engaging. It is also all very pastorally enlightening and spiritually uplifting. I had never sung in Hebrew before and this is how we started our first class:

Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad Barukh sheim k'vod, sheim k'vod, malkhuto l'olam va'ed.

Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God, the lord is One. Blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever.

(I so want to learn Hebrew)

He has an incredible relationship with the Bible and kisses it like a rabbi before we look at it, but last week I found I was only one of a few voices, gently saying 'no, no', to my lecturer's feelings that really, in his opinion, the Bible feels like the fourth member of the trinity. (!) I am much more captured and convinced that humanity is the fourth member of the trinity, and by that, lest you charge me heretical, I allude to the idea of deification - that as the body of Christ, we are lifted up to share in the life of the trinity by faith. Which early church father espoused this? I can't remember - they've all temporarily amalgamated under the academic pressure. But, anyway, I don't want to be a lone voice, shouting (well, not quite) 'no, no' at my lecturer, so it is best, if this is what I am going to be, that I go equipped.

Any advice?

(Woo-hoo - a friend of mine has just emailed me to say she got recommended at her Bap - yay!!!)

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